La Palma - Credits: Christoph Hormann,

Did you know that La Palma is also called The Stars Island?

Thanks to its unique astronomical conditions of clearness and darkness, in April 2007 La Palma was declared Starlight Tourist Destination and Starlight Reserve within The International Conference in Defense of Quality of the Night Sky and the Right to Observe Stars.

Moreover, the amazing sky of La Palma is protected by the Law 31/1988, also known as The Sky Law, which covers four major aspects:

  • Light pollution

Public lighting installations have to comply with basic standards in order to preserve the darkness of night and enable the enjoyment of the starry sky, as well as many other benefits.

  • RadioelectricĀ pollution

Radiocommunication stations have to operate within a maximum limit of power flux density, in order to prevent interferences between the electromagnetic radiation and the telescopes of the Observatory.

  • Atmospheric pollution

Industries and polluting activities are not permitted above 1,500 meters of altitude.

  • Flights routes

Air traffic is regulated over the Observatory in order to prevent turbulence caused by aircrafts.